
Author | Xin Yi
Source |  Python Enthusiast Camp
Today, let's share how to replace the background color of the ID photo through a dozen lines of code in Python. At the end, the editor will also make the above process into an GUIinterface for your convenience. The general appearance of the interface is actually not much different from the previous one. Everyone should have read the content of the previous article.

The general appearance of the interface

The overall GUI interface is shown in the following figure
The user can choose to replace the ID photo with "white background" or "red background" when using it. After uploading the photo on the front-end interface, the back-end program will start to perform the necessary operations.

remove background color

First of all, we need to remove the background color of the photo. The third-party interface is used here. The removebgofficial link is:
After we complete the account registration, visit the following link to obtain api_key: https://www.remove.bg/api#remove-background
The following is the corresponding program code, as follows
def remove_bg(self):
    api_keys =  "self-registered api_key"
    rbg = RemoveBg(api_keys,  "error.log" )

add the color we want

After removing the background color of the ID photo, we can add the background color we want, for example, we want to add the "red" background color, the code is as follows
no_bg_image = Image.open(in_path)
x, y = no_bg_image.size
new_image = Image.new( 'RGBA' , no_bg_image.size, color= "red" )
new_image.paste(no_bg_image, (0, 0, x, y) , no_bg_image)
This time GUI, the control we use in the interface to display the image is the graphicsViewcomponent. After we click the "Select Image" button, after uploading the image, we need to graphicsViewdisplay the image in the window. The code is as follows
def openImage(self):
    global imgNamepath   # Here, for the convenience of referring to the image path elsewhere, set it to the global variable
    imgNamepath, imgType = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self.ui,  "select image""D:\\"" *.png;;*.jpg;;All Files(*)" )
    # Get the image file through the file path, and set the length and width of the image to the length and width of the label control
    img = QtGui.QPixmap(imgNamepath).scaled(self. ui.graphicsView.size(), aspectMode=Qt.KeepAspectRatioByExpanding)
    print ( "img: " , img.width(), img.height())
    self.ui.graphicsView.setFixedSize(img.width(), img.height ())
    # Display the selected picture on the label control
    item = QGraphicsPixmapItem(img)
    scene = QGraphicsScene()
    # Display the path of the selected picture
Finally, let's look at the overall effect


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