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You are given a string s representing a student's attendance record, where each character is used to mark the day's attendance (absence, lateness, presence). The record contains only the following three characters:

'A': Absent, Absent

'L': Late, late

'P': Present, present

Students can receive attendance bonuses if they meet both of the following conditions:

(1). Student absences ('A') are strictly less than two days based on total attendance.

(2). Students will not have a record of being late ('L') for 3 or more consecutive days.

Returns true if the student is eligible for an attendance bonus; otherwise, returns false.

Input: s = "PPALLP" Output: true Explanation: The student has been absent less than 2 times, and there is no record of being late for 3 or more consecutive days.

Input: s = "PPALLL" Output: false Explanation: The student has been late for the last three consecutive days, so he is not eligible for the attendance bonus.

def checkRecord(s: str) -> bool:    if s.count('A') >= 2:        return False    if 'LLL' in s:        return False    return True    print(checkRecord('PPALLP'))print(checkRecord('LPPALLP'))print(checkRecord('PPLLLA'))

another solution

def checkRecord(s: str) -> bool:    absents = lates = 0  # 统计缺勤和迟到的次数,初始化为0    for c in s:  # 统计缺勤的次数        if c == "A":            absents += 1            if absents >= 2:  # 缺勤次数大于2                return False        if c == "L":  # 统计迟到的次数            lates += 1            if lates >= 3:  # 迟到次数大于3                return False        else:  # 清空迟到次数            lates = 0    return True

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