(1) The user guesses the number

# The script generates a random number within 100, prompts the user to guess the number, and according to the user's input, prompts the user to guess correctly,
# If the guess is small or the guess is large, the script ends when the user guesses correctly.

# RANDOM is a system variable that comes with the system, the value is a random number of 0-32767
# Use the remainder algorithm to change the random number to a random number of 1-100
echo  " $num "

# Use read to prompt the user to guess the number
# Use if to determine the size relationship of the user guessing the number: -eq (equal), -ne (not equal), -gt (greater than), -ge (greater than or equal),
# -lt (less than), ‐le (less than or equal to)
while  :
 read  -p  "The computer generated a random number of 1‐100, you guessed it: "  cai  
    if  [  $cai  -eq  $num  ]   
        echo  "Congratulations, you guessed correctly"      
     elif  [  $cai  -gt  $num  ]  
            echo  "Oops, guess too big"     
            echo  "Oops, guess too small"  
(2) Check how many remote IPs are connecting to this machine

# Check how many remote IPs are connecting to this machine (whether it is through ssh, web or ftp) 

# Use netstat ‐atn to view the status of all connections on this machine,‐ a View all,
# -t only displays tcp connection information, -n number format displays
# Local Address (the fourth column is the IP and port information of the local machine)
# Foreign Address (the fifth column is the IP and port information of the remote host )
# Use the awk command to display only the data in the fifth column, and then display the information of the IP address in the first column
# sort can be sorted by number, and finally use uniq to delete redundant duplicates and count the number of duplicates
netstat -atn | awk   '{ print $5}'   | awk   '{print $1}'  | sort -nr | uniq -c
(3) helloworld

function  example {
echo  "Hello world!"
(4) Print the pid of tomcat

v1= "Hello"
v2= "world"
v3= ${v1}${v2}
echo  $v3

pidlist=`ps -ef|grep apache-tomcat-7.0.75|grep -v  " grep" |awk  '{print $2}' `
echo  $pidlist
echo  "tomcat Id list : $pidlist "   //display pid
(5) Scripting scissors, rock, cloth games

game=(rock paper scissors)
computer= ${game[$sum]}

echo  "Please select your punching gesture according to the following tips"
echo  " 1. Rock"
echo  " 2. scissors"
echo  " 3. cloth "

read  -p  "please choose 1-3:"  person
case  $person  in
  if  [  $num  -eq 0 ]
    echo  "tie"
    elif  [  $num  -eq 1 ]
      echo  "you win"
      echo  "computer wins"
fi ;;
 if  [  $num  -eq 0 ]
    echo  "computer wins"
    elif  [  $num  -eq 1 ] 
     echo  "tie"
      echo  "you win"
fi ;;
 if  [  $num  -eq 0 ]
   echo  "you win"
   elif  [  $num  -eq 1 ]
     echo  "computer wins"
      echo  "tie"
fi ;;
  echo  "must enter numbers 1-3"
(6) Ninety-nine multiplication table

for  i  in  `seq 9`
 for  j  in  `seq  $i `
 echo  -n  " ​​$j * $i =$[i*j] "
(7) The script uses the source code to install the memcached server
# One-click deployment memcached 

# The script uses the source code to install the memcached server
# Note: If the download link of the software has expired, please update the download link of memcached
wget http://www.memcached.org/files/memcached -1.5.1.tar.gz
yum -y install gcc
tar -xf memcached-1.5.1.tar.gz
cd  memcached-1.5.1
make install
(8) Detect whether the current user of the machine is a super administrator

# Detect whether the current user of the machine is a super administrator, if it is an administrator, use yum to install vsftpd, if not
# yes, it will prompt you to be a non-administrator (use string comparison version) 
if  [  $ USER  ==  "root"  ] 
 yum -y install vsftpd
 echo  "You are not an administrator and do not have permission to install software"
(9) if operation expression
#!/bin/bash -xv

if  [  $1  -eq 2 ] ; then
 echo  "wo ai wenmin"
elif  [  $1  -eq 3 ] ; then  
 echo  "wo ai wenxing "
elif  [  $1  -eq 4 ] ; then  
 echo  "wo de xin "
elif  [  $1  -eq 5 ] ; then
 echo  "wo de ai "
(10) The script kills the tomcat process and restarts

#kill tomcat pid

pidlist=`ps -ef|grep apache-tomcat-7.0.75|grep -v  "grep" |awk  '{print $2}' `   #Find the PID number of tomcat

echo  "tomcat Id list : $pidlist "   //display pid

kill  -9  $pidlist #kill   the improved process

echo  "KILL  $pidlist :"  //prompt the process and be killed

echo  "service stop success"

echo  "start tomcat"

cd  /opt/ apache-tomcat-7.0.75


rm -rf work/*

cd  bin

./startup.sh  #;tail -f ../logs/catalina.out
(11) Print a chess board
# Print chess board
# Set two variables, i and j, one for row and one for column, chess is an 8*8 board
# i=1 means ready to print the first line of the board, the first 1 row chessboard with gray and blue spaced output, 8 columns in total
# i=1,j=1 represents row 1, column 1; i=2,j=3 represents row 2, column 3
# of the chessboard The rule is that if i+j is an even number, print a blue color block, if it is an odd number, print a gray color
for  i  in  {1..8}
   for  j  in  {1..8}
  if  [ $[sum%2] -eq 0 ]; then
    echo  -ne  "\033[46m \033[0m"
   echo  -ne  "\033[47m \033[0m"

(12) Count how many accounts can log in to the computer in the current Linux system

# Count how many accounts can log in to the computer in the current Linux system #Method
grep  "bash$"  /etc/passwd | wc -l #Method
awk -f :  '/bash$/ {x++}end{print x}'  /etc/passwd
(13) Backup MySQL table data

source  /etc/profile
echo  [`date + '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' `] ' start loading data...'
mysql -uroot -proot -P3306  ${dbName}  -e  "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '# /home/wenmin/wenxing.txt' INTO TABLE  ${tableName}  FIELDS TERMINATED BY ';'"
echo  [`date + '%Y -%m-%d %H:%M:%S' `] ' end loading data...'
(14) Use an infinite loop to display the data packet traffic sent by the eth0 network card in real time

# Use an infinite loop to display the data packet traffic sent by the eth0 network card in real time 

while  :
 echo  'The traffic information of the local network card ens33 is as follows:'
 ifconfig ens33 | grep  "RX pack"  | awk  '{print $5}'
     ifconfig ens33 | grep  "TX pack"  | awk  '{print $5}'
 sleep 1
(15) Write a script to test which hosts in the entire network segment of are powered on and which hosts are powered off

# Write a script to test which hosts in the entire network segment are powered on and which hosts are powered off
# (for version)
for  i  in  {1..254}
 # every 0.3 seconds Ping once, ping 2 times in total, and set the ping timeout in 1 millisecond
 ping -c 2 -i 0.3 -W 1 192.168.1. $i  &>/dev/null
     if  [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
 echo  "192.168.1. $i  is up"
 echo  "192.168.1. $i  is down"
(16) Write a script: prompt the user to enter the user name and password, and the script automatically creates the corresponding account and configures the password. if the user
# Write a script: Prompt the user to enter a user name and password, and the script automatically creates the corresponding account and configures the password. If the user
# does not enter the account name, it will prompt you to enter the account name and exit the script; if the user does not enter the password, the default # 123456 will be uniformly used
as the default password.

read  -p  "Please enter the user name:"  user
#Use -z to judge whether a variable is empty, if it is empty, prompt the user to enter the account name and exit the script, the exit code is 2
#After the script exits without entering a user name , Use $? to view the return code is 2
if  [ -z  $user  ];  then
 echo  "You don't need to enter an account name"  
 exit  2
#Use stty ‐echo to close the shell's echo function #Use
stty echo to open the shell's echo Display function
stty - echo  
read  -p  "Please enter the password:"  pass
stty  echo 
pass= ${pass:-123456}
useradd  " $user "
echo  " $pass "  | passwd --stdin  " $user "
(17) Use a script to sort the input three integers

# Prompt the user to input 3 integers in turn, the script will sort and output 3 numbers according to the size of the numbers
read  -p  " Please input an integer: "  num1
read  -p  " Please input an integer: "  num2
read  -p  " Please enter an integer: "  num3

# No matter who is bigger or smaller, print at the end echo "$num1, $num2, $num3"
# num1 always stores the smallest value, num2 always stores the middle value, and num3 always stores the maximum value
# If the input is not in this order, change the storage order of the numbers, such as: you can swap the values ​​of num1 and num2
# If num1 is greater than num2, swap the values ​​of num1 and num2 to ensure that the value of num1 is stored in the variable num1 is the minimum value
if  [  $num1  -gt  $num2  ]; then
 tmp= $num1
 num1= $num2
# If num1 is greater than num3, swap num1 and num3 to ensure the minimum value stored in the num1 variable
if  [  $num1  -gt  $num3  ]; then
 tmp= $num1
 num1= $num3
 num3= $tmp
# If num2 is greater than num3, swap num2 and num3 to ensure that the minimum value is stored in the num2 variable
if  [  $num2  -gt  $num3  ]; then
 tmp= $num2
 num2= $num3
 num3= $tmp
echo  "The sorted data (from small to large) are: $num1 , $num2 , $num3 "
(18) According to the current time of the computer, return the greeting, and the script can be set to start at boot

WeChat search public number: Network Security and Hacking Technology, Reply: Hackers get data.

# According to the current time of the computer, return the greeting, you can set the script to start up 

# 00-12 o'clock is morning, 12-18 o'clock is afternoon, 18-24 o'clock is evening
# Use date command to get After the time, if judge the time interval and determine the content of the greeting
tm=$(date +%H)
if  [  $tm  -le 12 ]; then
 msg= "Good Morning  $USER "
elif  [  $tm  -gt 12 -a  $ tm  -le 18 ]; then
   msg= "Good Afternoon  $USER "
   msg= "Good Night  $USER "
echo  "The current time is: $(date +"%Y‐%m‐%d %H:%M: %S") "
echo  -e  "\033[34m $msg\033[0m"
(19) Write I lov cls to txt file

cd  /home/wenmin/
touch wenxing.txt
echo  "I lov cls"  >>wenxing.txt
(20) Scripting for loop judgment

for ((i=1;i<100;i++))
 s=$[ $s + $i ]

echo  $s

b=0 ;
for ((x=1;x<9;x++))
 a=$[ $a + $x
echo  $x
for ((y=1;y<9;y++))
 b=$[ $ b + $y ]
echo  $y


echo  $r =$[ $a + $b ]
(21) Scripting for loop judgment

for  i  in  "$*"
 echo  "wenmin xihuan  $i "

for  j  in  " $@ "
 echo  "wenmin xihuan  $j "
(22) The script uses the tar command to back up all log files under /var/log every week
# Use the tar command to back up all log files under /var/log every 5th week
# vim /root/logbak.sh
# Write a backup script, the file name after backup contains a date tag to prevent subsequent backups from being The previous backup data is overwritten
# Note that the date command needs to be enclosed in backticks, and the backticks are above the <tab> key on the keyboard

tar -czf  log -`date +%Y%m%d`.tar.gz /var/ log  

# crontab -e #Write a scheduled task and execute the backup script
00 03 * * 5 /home/wenmin/datas/logbak.sh
(23) Script writing summation function operation function xx()

function  sum ()
 s=$[ $1 + $2 ]
 echo  $s
read  -p  "input your parameter "  p1
read  -p  "input your parameter "  p2

sum  $p1  $p2

function  multi ()
 r=$[ $1 / $2 ]
 echo  $r
read  -p  "input your parameter "  x1
read  -p  "input your parameter "  x2

multi $x1  $x2

let  v3= $v1 + $v2
echo  $v3
(24) Scripting case — esac branch structure expression

case  $1  in 
 echo  "wenmin "
 echo  "wenxing "
 echo  "wemchang "
 echo  "yijun"
 echo  "sinian"
6 )  
 echo  "sikeng"
 echo  "yanna"
 echo  "danlian"
(25) # Define the page address to be monitored, restart or maintain the tomcat status
# function: Automatically monitor the tomcat process, and execute the restart operation when it hangs.  
# author:huanghong  

# Get tomcat PPID  
TomcatID=$(ps -ef |grep tomcat |grep -w  'apache-tomcat-7.0 .75' |grep -v  'grep' |awk  '{print $2}' )  

# tomcat_startup  

#TomcatCache=/usr/apache-tomcat-5.5 .23/work  

# Define the page address to monitor  

# Log output  

Monitor ()  
   echo  "[info] start Monitoring tomcat...[ $(date +'%F %H:%M:%S') ]"  
   if [  $TomcatID  ]
      echo  "[info]tomcat process ID is: $TomcatID ."   
      # Get the return status code  
      TomcatServiceCode=$(curl -s -o  $GetPageInfo  -m 10 --connect-timeout 10  $WebUrl  -w %{ http_code})  
      if  [  $TomcatServiceCode  -eq 200 ]; then   
          echo  "[info]The return code is $TomcatServiceCode , the tomcat is started successfully, and the page is normal."   
          echo  "[error]Access error, the status code is $TomcatServiceCode , the error log has been Output to $GetPageInfo "   
          echo  "[error] to restart tomcat"   
          kill  -9  $TomcatID   # Kill the original tomcat process  
          sleep 3  
          #rm -rf $TomcatCache # Clean up tomcat cache  
      echo  "[error] process does not exist! Tomcat restarts automatically..."   
      echo  "[info] $StartTomcat , please wait..."   
      #rm -rf $TomcatCache  
    echo  "------------------------------"  
   Monitor>> $TomcatMonitorLog
(26) Create Linux system account and password through location variables

# Create a Linux system account and password through location variables

# $1 is the first parameter to execute the script, $2 is the second parameter to execute the script

useradd  " $1 "
echo  " $2 "  | passwd --stdin  " $1 "
(27) Number of incoming and outgoing variables and printing
echo  " $0  $1  $2  $3 "   // pass in three parameters
echo  $#     // get the number of incoming parameters
echo  $@     // print the incoming parameters
echo  $* // print the incoming parameters parameter
(28) Real-time monitoring of the local memory and the remaining space of the hard disk. When the remaining memory is less than 500M and the remaining space of the root partition is less than 1000M, an alarm email will be sent to the root administrator

# Monitor the local memory and the remaining space of the hard disk in real time. When the remaining memory is less than 500M and the remaining space of the root partition is less than 1000M, send an alarm email to the root administrator

# Extract the remaining space of the root partition
disk_size=$(df / | awk  '/\//{print $4}' )

# Extract the remaining empty space in memory
mem_size=$(free | awk  '/Mem/{print $4}' )
while  :
# Note that the size of memory and disk extraction is in the form of Kb is the unit
if   [   $disk_size  -le 512000 -a  $mem_size  -le 1024000 ]
    mail ‐s   "Warning"   root <<EOF
 Insufficient resources, insufficient resources
(29) Check whether there is a corresponding file in the specified directory

if  [ -f /home/wenmin/datas ]
echo  "File exists"
(30) The script defines the while loop statement

if  [ -f /home/wenmin/datas ]
echo  "File exists"

[root@rich datas] # cat while.sh 

while  [  $ i  -le 100 ]
        s=$[ $s  +  $i ]
        i=$[ $i  + 1]

echo  $s
echo  $i
(31) One-click deployment of LNMP (RPM package version)

# One-click deployment of LNMP (RPM package version)
# Use yum to install and deploy LNMP, you need to configure the yum source in advance, otherwise the script will fail
# This script is used for centos7.2 or RHEL7.2
yum -y install httpd
yum -y install mariadb mariadb-devel mariadb-server
yum -y install php php-mysql

systemctl start httpd mariadb
systemctl  enable  httpd mariadb
(32) Read the incoming parameters from the console
read  -t 7 -p  "input your name "  NAME
echo  $NAME

read  -t 11 -p  "input you age "  AGE
echo  $AGE

read  -t 15 -p  "input your friend "  FRIEND
echo  $ FRIEND

read  -t 16 -p  "input your love "  LOVE
echo  $LOVE
(33) Script implementation replication

cp  $1  $2
(34) The script realizes the judgment of the existence of the file

if  [ -f file.txt ]; then
 echo  "file exists"
 echo  "file does not exist"