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Focus on [MD] HVRP series solution algorithm

Tabu search algorithm


     Tabu Search Algorithm + Split to Solve Heterogeneous Vehicle Path Planning Problem


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Heterogeneous fixed fleet vehicle routing problem (HVRP) is an important variant of VRP. Compared with the original VRP, it further considers some characteristics of vehicles, such as loading capacity, mileage and so on. There are also some studies on certain characteristics of customers. The heterogeneity here refers to the difference in the loading capacity of the vehicle, which brings about the difference in transportation costs. In order to seek a better solution effect under multiple constraints, this article will reproduce the improved Split algorithm in the classic literature to realize the vehicle path planning problem that considers the vehicle loading characteristics under the condition of multiple (single) parking lots.



      Solving for HVRP or MDH VRP

Multiple vehicle types

The vehicle capacity is not less than the maximum demand of the demand node

(Multiple) Vehicle Base

The total number of vehicles in the parking lot meets the actual demand


Realize ideas

The Split method process of HVRP given by Christian Prins [2] is as follows:


In the above algorithm, the scale of candidate labels of the required nodes will be very large during the search process, which occupies memory and reduces the search efficiency. Therefore, the Pareto idea is used to inherit the non-dominated solution (lines 19 to 21). In order to further control the number of alternative labels, this article also implements the determination of whether to generate new alternative labels through the remaining capacity and remaining demand, so as to avoid the generation of infeasible labels in advance. Nevertheless, when there are many types of heterogeneous vehicles considered and the scale of demand points is large, the solution efficiency is still low (code structure, python characteristics, hardware environment). Therefore, this article further adds the parameter of the maximum number of labels to control the size of the alternative labels of each demand node, and achieves a relative balance between speed and quality by adjusting this parameter.


data structure

Continue to encapsulate algorithm parameters, encoding, decoding, objective functions, etc. in the form of classes. Specifically divided into the following four categories:

       The basic data structure is defined as follows:

Sol class: contains information about the        solution 

Attributes describe
obj Optimization target value
node_id_list Demand node id ordered set collection
route_list vehicle path collection
action_id The operator id corresponding to the solution , used to disable the operator

         · Demand class: Contains information about demand nodes

Attributes describe
id Physical node id, which must be unique. Numbering starts from 0
x_coord Physical node x coordinate
y_coord Physical node y coordinate
demand Physical Node Requirements

Vehicle class: Contains information about          vehicles

Attributes describe
depot_id The id of the parking lot you belong to, which cannot be the same as the request id
capacity vehicle loading rate
type vehicle type
fixed_cost fixed cost
variable_cost Variable cost per mile
numbers number of vehicles

         Model class : contains global parameters

Attributes describe
A collection of populations, the value type is Sol()
best_sol Global optimal solution, the value type is Sol()
demand_dict A collection of demand nodes (dictionary), the value type is Demand()
vehicle_dict A collection of vehicles, the value type is Vehicle()
vehicle_type_list Collection of vehicle types
demand_id_list Requirement id collection
distance_matrix distance matrix
number_of_demands Quantity required
TL Taboo length
tau_list Taboo list
max_labels Maximum number of alternative labels


Part of the source code

parameter read

def readCSVFile(demand_file,depot_file,model):    with open(demand_file,'r') as f:        demand_reader=csv.DictReader(f)        for row in demand_reader:            demand = Demand()   = int(row['id'])            demand.x_coord = float(row['x_coord'])            demand.y_coord = float(row['y_coord'])            demand.demand = float(row['demand'])            model.demand_dict[] = demand            model.demand_id_list.append(        model.number_of_demands=len(model.demand_id_list)
with open(depot_file, 'r') as f: depot_reader = csv.DictReader(f) for row in depot_reader: vehicle = Vehicle() vehicle.depot_id = row['depot_id'] vehicle.x_coord = float(row['x_coord']) vehicle.y_coord = float(row['y_coord']) vehicle.type = row['vehicle_type'] vehicle.capacity=float(row['vehicle_capacity']) vehicle.numbers=float(row['number_of_vehicle']) vehicle.fixed_cost=float(row['fixed_cost']) vehicle.variable_cost=float(row['variable_cost']) model.vehicle_dict[vehicle.type] = vehicle model.vehicle_type_list.append(vehicle.type)

Distance matrix calculation
def calDistanceMatrix(model):    for i in range(len(model.demand_id_list)):        from_node_id = model.demand_id_list[i]        for j in range(i + 1, len(model.demand_id_list)):            to_node_id = model.demand_id_list[j]            dist = math.sqrt((model.demand_dict[from_node_id].x_coord - model.demand_dict[to_node_id].x_coord) ** 2                             + (model.demand_dict[from_node_id].y_coord - model.demand_dict[to_node_id].y_coord) ** 2)            model.distance_matrix[from_node_id, to_node_id] = int(dist)            model.distance_matrix[to_node_id, from_node_id] = int(dist)        for _, vehicle in model.vehicle_dict.items():            dist = math.sqrt((model.demand_dict[from_node_id].x_coord - vehicle.x_coord) ** 2                             + (model.demand_dict[from_node_id].y_coord - vehicle.y_coord) ** 2)            model.distance_matrix[from_node_id, vehicle.type] = int(dist)            model.distance_matrix[vehicle.type, from_node_id] = int(dist)

Shipping cost calculation
def calTravelCost(route_list,model):    obj=0    for route in route_list:        vehicle=model.vehicle_dict[route[0]]        distance=0        fixed_cost=vehicle.fixed_cost        variable_cost=vehicle.variable_cost        for i in range(len(route) - 1):            from_node = route[i]            to_node = route[i + 1]            distance += model.distance_matrix[from_node, to_node]        obj += fixed_cost + distance * variable_cost    return obj

Objective function calculation

def calObj(node_id_list,model):    vehicle_routes = splitRoutes(node_id_list, model)    if vehicle_routes:        return calTravelCost(vehicle_routes,model),vehicle_routes    else:        return 10**9,None

initial solution

def generateInitialSol(node_id_list):    node_id_list_=copy.deepcopy(node_id_list)    random.seed(0)    random.shuffle(node_id_list_)    return node_id_list_

Neighborhood operator

def createActions(n):    action_list=[]    nswap=n//2    # 第一种算子(Swap):前半段与后半段对应位置一对一交换    for i in range(nswap):        action_list.append([1,i,i+nswap])    # 第二中算子(DSwap):前半段与后半段对应位置二对二交换    for i in range(0,nswap,2):        action_list.append([2,i,i+nswap])    # 第三种算子(Reverse):指定长度的序列反序    for i in range(0,n,4):        action_list.append([3,i,i+3])    return action_list

Extract path

def extractRoutes(V,node_id_list,model):    route_list = []    min_obj=float('inf')    pred_label_id=None    v_type=None    # search the min cost label of last node of the node_id_list    for label in V[model.number_of_demands-1]:        if label[3]<=min_obj:            min_obj=label[3]            pred_label_id=label[1]            v_type=label[2]    # generate routes by pred_label_id    route=[node_id_list[-1]]    indexs=list(range(0,model.number_of_demands))[::-1]    start=1    while pred_label_id!=1:        for i in indexs[start:]:            stop=False            for label in V[i]:                if label[0]==pred_label_id:                    stop=True                    pred_label_id=label[1]                    start=i                    v_type_=label[2]                    break            if not stop:                route.insert(0,node_id_list[i])            else:                route.insert(0,v_type)                route.append(v_type)                route_list.append(route)                route=[node_id_list[i]]                v_type=v_type_    route.insert(0,v_type)    route.append(v_type)    route_list.append(route)    return route_list


code structure



Results display

Solomon open source data is used to test the algorithm here. The data file structure is shown in the figure below, with a total of 100 demand points, 3 parking lots, and 3 types of vehicles. The data is stored in a .csv file.

The content of the demand.csv file is as shown in the figure below, in which the first row is the title bar, and the node id is incremented from 0.




The content of the depot.csv file is as shown in the figure below, in which the first row is the title bar, in order: yard id, yard plane x coordinate, yard plane y coordinate, vehicle type, vehicle load, vehicle quantity, fixed cost, and transportation cost per mile.


The solution result is as follows:


Algorithm Convergence Graph


Optimization Roadmap


Source code acquisition

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[1]. Wang Dingwei. Intelligent Optimization Method [M]. Higher Education Press, 2007.

[2] Prins C , Lacomme P , Prodhon C . Order-first split-second methods for vehicle routing problems: A review[J]. Transportation Research Part C, 2014, 40(mar.):179-200.

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