Excel data analysis and visualization ---- make a tall data board with zero threshold
August 8, 2022
Using Excel for data aggregation and statistics can not only process massive data quickly, but also realize real-time dynamic update of data, which is not too convenient. As long as you use Excel well, it is your work partner and core competitiveness in the workplace.This is the newly launched course of our tribe nest education:Data Analysis Visualization Course Data Kanban with zero thresholdThe following is an ordinary data table, from which you need to obtain information such as sales comparison, daily sales, TOP10 orders, product value ratio, etc. for effective data analysis.We aggregate data and analyze multiple dimensions to make better decisions for the follow-up. Excel is the most commonly used data processing tool in data analysis. An ordinary data table above is transformed into a data kanban below through a series of operations in Excel.Data analysis is usually divided into three steps: collection and processing, data analysis, and results.We will use tools such as Excel to conduct data visualization analysis to make our data more vivid and three-dimensional, which is more conducive to our subsequent decision-making!Making such a comprehensive Kanban chart does not actually require much advanced knowledge of Excel, or even zero threshold . It can be completed by following the teacher's course progress. The course will use pivot tables, charts, slicers, and a small amount of Excel. A few functions can be done.Excel skills and logical thinking of data analysis complement each other, so if you want to maximize data analysis, you must first improve your Excel skills ↓ ↓ ↓"Data Analysis Visualization Course: Doing Data Kanban with Zero Threshold"Essential core skills for data analysis talentsThe official price is 288 yuan, and the special price for fans is 29 yuan Scan the code on WeChat, subscribe for permanent learning!
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