project address:
0x01 Introduction
Eyesight is a GitHub monitoring and information collection tool that supports monitoring and collection of built-in keywords and custom keywords such as CVE, anti-kill, and vulnerability exploitation. Support DingTalk, Server sauce and Telegram push, filter sensitive words, find all repositories containing keywords and output to FEGC.xlsx file. The default keyword list is limited, and keywords and sensitive words can be specified through files. Due to the rate limit of the GitHub API, only a single thread is currently implemented.
["CVE-"+str(current_year) , "免杀" , "Bypass Antivirus" , "Exploit" ,
"漏洞利用", "红队", "Red Team" , "蓝队", "Blue Team" , "计算机取证" ,
"Computer Forensics" , "应急响应" , "Emergency response" , "Penetration" ,
"Pentest" , "内网渗透", "网络攻防", "网络安全" , "主机安全" , "信息收集" ,
"溯源" , "工控安全" , "Industrial Control Safety" ,"ICS"]
0x02 option
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m 监控模式,定时推送
-c 信息收集模式
-p P 设置代理地址,如:
-t T 设置超时时间,单位:秒
-H H 设置HTTP请求头,json格式,如:{"X-Forwarded-For":""}
-mT MT 设置监控阈值,默认5分钟
-iF IF 设置关键字文件
-sW SW 设置敏感词文件
0x03 example
Information collection mode
Collect repositories based on built-in keywords:
py -c
Gather repositories based on specified keyword files:
py -c -iF search.txt -sW black.txt
monitor mode
Monitor repositories based on built-in keywords:
py -m
Collect repositories according to the specified keyword files, and filter the specified sensitive words:
py -m -iF search.txt -sW black.txt
Monitor repositories based on built-in keywords with a monitoring threshold of 4 hours and output log files:
python3 -m -mT 240 >fegc.log
Article source: EchoEec
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One more point is looking at one more small dried fish