Today, I will record the Python 3.9 standard library sys and webbrowser and make an automated script based on them, so as to realize my own needs that I usually want to be lazy: After turning on the computer, if I plan to program, I need to open a lot of web pages for browsing, so I came up with the idea. One-click to open websites that are basically used every day, such as Github, StackOverflow, Python official documentation, Bilibili, MDN, Flask Chinese documentation, and my own personal website (but I don't know why, the website suddenly crashed a few days ago.... ..), and supports command-based interaction, additions, deletions, and changes to search, and supports command-based opening of websites (Tucao: In fact, you can fix these websites in the browser, but for the purpose of exercising yourself, hehehe).

1.Python sys --- system-related parameters and functions

# python sys --- 系统相关的参数和函数import sys
# 常用的参数与函数
cmd = sys.argv # 返回一个参数列表print(cmd) # 如果直接点击运行此脚本, 返回此脚本的绝对路径."""如果在命令行输入python willaddcmd, 则返回['', 'willaddcmd'], argv[0]是脚本名.如果是通过 Python 解释器的命令行参数 -c 来执行的, argv[0] 会被设置成字符串 '-c'."""

prefix = sys.prefix # 当前项目虚拟环境路径print(prefix)
base_exec_prefix = sys.base_exec_prefix # python解释器的绝对路径print(base_exec_prefix)
base_prefix = sys.base_prefix # python解释器的绝对路径print(base_prefix)
exec_prefix = sys.exec_prefix # 当前项目虚拟环境路径print(exec_prefix)"""如果 发现处于一个虚拟环境中, prefix 和 exec_prefix 将会指向虚拟环境。然而 base_prefix 和 base_exec_prefix 将仍然会指向基础的 Python 环境(用来创建虚拟环境的 Python 环境)如果不是运行在一个虚拟环境中,那么便全都指向python解释器的原路径。
builtin_module_names = sys.builtin_module_names # 此属性包含所有python解释器的标准库模块print(builtin_module_names)
copyright = sys.copyright # 一个字符串,包含了 Python 解释器有关的版权信息print(copyright)
getwindowsversion = sys.getwindowsversion()print(getwindowsversion)
maxsize = sys.maxsize # 一个整数,表示 Py_ssize_t 类型的变量可以取到的最大值。print(maxsize)
path = sys.path # 一个由字符串组成的列表,用于指定模块的搜索路径。print(path)
platform = sys.platform # 返回你的机器平台print(platform)
version = sys.version"""一个包含 Python 解释器版本号加编译版本号以及所用编译器等额外信息的字符串。此字符串会在交互式解释器启动时显示。请不要从中提取版本信息,而应当使用 version_info 以及 platform 模块所提供的函数。"""
"""可选参数 arg 可以是表示退出状态的整数(默认为 0),也可以是其他类型的对象。如果它是整数,则 shell 等将 0 视为“成功终止”,非零值视为“异常终止”。大多数系统要求该值的范围是 0--127,否则会产生不确定的结果。某些系统为退出代码约定了特定的含义,但通常尚不完善;Unix 程序通常用 2 表示命令行语法错误,用 1 表示所有其他类型的错误。传入其他类型的对象,如果传入 None 等同于传入 0,如果传入其他对象则将其打印至 stderr,且退出代码为 1。特别地,sys.exit("some error message") 可以在发生错误时快速退出程序。"""sys.exit("happen some errors") # 参数设置为字符串可以来提示程序可能的退出情况

2.webbroswer --- convenient web browser controller

# webbrowser --- 方便的Web浏览器控制器
import webbrowser
"""首先webbrowser可以通过命令行直接进行使用: python -m webbrowser -t "" 在新的浏览器页面(“标签”)中打开 URLpython -m webbrowser -n "" 在新的浏览器窗口中打开 URL"""
# 此模块最主要的函数, 其他函数见"", new=0, autoraise=True)"""使用默认浏览器显示 url。如果 new 为 0,则尽可能在同一浏览器窗口中打开 url。如果 new 为 1,则尽可能打开新的浏览器窗口。如果 new 为 2,则尽可能打开新的浏览器页面(“标签”)。如果 autoraise 为 “True”,则会尽可能置前窗口(请注意,在许多窗口管理器下,无论此变量的设置如何,都会置前窗口)。"""

3. The above two libraries can be used to complete the requirements mentioned above. The code is as follows

import sysimport webbrowser
"""作者:回到古代见李白创建时间:2022.07.16 15:39创建目的:每次开机后可以通过输入命令快速打开需要浏览的web页面核心库:本脚本核心库为webbrowser使用方式:通过命令行切换到脚本目录并输入相应命令来运行脚本 python 快速打开相应页面 python -o url 自定义打开相应url页面"""

def extra(): return "\n您可能需要帮助:\n一般模式:python" \ "\n自定义模式:python -o url\n"

def diy_open(): url = input("请输入要打开的网址:") webbrowser.open_new_tab(url) return "{}:打开成功".format(url)

class QuickStart: def __init__(self, parm1, parm2): self.argv = parm1 self.quick_start_urls = parm2
def quick_open(self): bool_lis = [webbrowser.open_new_tab(self.quick_start_urls[key]) for key in quick_start_urls]
if all(bool_lis): for key in quick_start_urls: print("{}: Success!".format(key))
else: count = 0 for b in bool_lis: if b is False: keys = quick_start_urls.keys() current_false_key = list(keys)[count] print("{0}打开失败, 请手动打开{0}: {1}" .format(current_false_key, quick_start_urls[current_false_key])) count += 1

if __name__ == "__main__": # 获得命令行参数列表 argv = sys.argv
# 需打开的默认web页面 quick_start_urls = {"个人网站": "", "Python_Doc": "", "Python_Library": "", "Python HowTo": "", "MDN": "", "Flask": "", "StackOverFlow": "", "Bing": "", }
# 实例化quick_start quick_start = QuickStart(argv, quick_start_urls)
# 如果输入参数为: python 则打开默认web页面 if len(argv) == 1: if argv[0] == "": quick_start.quick_open()
else: print("\n您可能需要帮助:") print("一般模式:python" + "\n" "自定义模式:python -o url\n")
# 如果输入参数为: python -o url 则自定义打开页面 elif len(argv) == 3: if argv[1] == "-o" and argv[2] == "url": end = diy_open() print(end)
else: warn = extra() print(warn)

The above code completes the basic opening of the pre-set website and the custom opening of the webpage. The more complete implementation was written as a small project by me, and it is not easy to post it here. as follows.


Finally, upload it to GitHub and publish it as a library for your own use. In this way, if I want to program the computer, I only need to open Pycharm and enter the command to open the web page I need with one click. Then you can go play the game hahahahaha.